Download Section Block

This block displays a heading, excerpt, link, and a single downloadable post.

Content Editor Fields

  1. Heading: A large heading for the section.
  2. Excerpt: A brief description or introduction to the download.
  3. Link: A button or text link that can be used for various purposes, such as linking to a related page.
  4. Featured Post: This section will fetch and display a single post that is set up as downloadable content. This could be a PDF, brochure, or any other type of file.

Example Usage:


  1. Heading: "Downloads".
  2. Excerpt: "Extra insights to keep your knowledge growing"
  3. Link: A button or text link that can be used for various purposes, such as linking to a related page.
  4. Downloadable Post: This section will fetch and display a single post that is set up as downloadable content. This could be a PDF, brochure, or any other type of file.
  5. Save the Block: Your Download Section block is now ready for display!


Preview with image:

Download Section with image

Editor preview:

Download Section acf


This block can be used to highlight a specific downloadable resource, such as a whitepaper or case study.