Team Slider Block
This block showcases team members in a visually appealing slider format. It allows content editors to present team member profiles with images, names, job titles, and short descriptions.
Content Editor Fields
1. Heading Section:
2. Team Members Section:
- Member Selection: A post selector dropdown to choose an existing team member post, you can choose multiple team members.
Example Usage:
- Add the block: Insert the Team Slider Block into your page or post.
- Set the content:
- Heading is text only (style): "Yes"
- Intro Brand Color: "Navy"
- Intro Description: ""
- Team Slider Title: "Meet the team"
- Team Slider Subtitle: "Why Tyler Packaging"
- Team Slider Link:
- Link text: "Get in touch"
- Anchor ID / Landing page: "/contact"
- Team Members: Slect the team members
- Save the Block: Your Team Slider block is now ready for display!
Preview with image:

Editor preview: