Sustainability Block
This block allows content editors to showcase sustainability initiatives or certifications. It features a main section for details and a flexible repeater for displaying multiple sustainability-related images and descriptions.
Content Editor Fields
1. Sustainability Details:
- Title: A text field to enter the title.
- Logo: An image upload field to select the logo.
- Link: A URL field to enter the link destination and a text field for the button text.
2. Sustainability Repeater:
- Add Row: Click this button to add a new instance of the image and excerpt fields.
- Image: An image upload field for each sustainability-related image.
- Excerpt: A WYSIWYG editor for each image's description.
Example Usage
- Add the block: Insert the Sustainability Block into your page or post.
- Set the content:
1. Sustainability Details:
- Title: "Elevate your business sustainability"
- Logo: Upload an image.
- Link:
- Link text: "Learn more about the impact"
- Anchor ID / Landing page: "/repurpose/"
2. Sustainability Repeater:
- Add Row: Click this button to add a new instance of the image and excerpt fields.
- Image: Upload an image.
- Excerpt: "rePurpose partner with brands to invest funding into projects that deal with plastic reduction in communities and areas as diverse as India and Colombia."
Add more rows as request
Save the Block: Your Sustainability block is now ready for display!
Preview with image:

Editor preview: