Product Highlight Block

This block is designed to showcase a specific product or service in a visually appealing way, combining text, a primary image, and a gallery of smaller images.

Content Editor Fields

1. Content Section:

  • Title: This is the main heading for your product highlight. Use a concise and attention-grabbing title.
  • Product Highlight Images: This section displays a series of smaller images related to the product. You can add multiple images to create a visual gallery.
  • Excerpt: Provide a brief and compelling description of the product or service. Highlight its key features, benefits, and value proposition.
  • Call to Action (CTA): This element encourages users to take the next step. Use a clear and actionable CTA, such as "Learn More," "Enquire Now," or "Shop Now." The CTA button's color is determined by the brand's theme color, ensuring brand consistency.

2. Primary Image Section:

  • Image: Choose a high-quality, visually appealing image that effectively showcases your product or service. This image will be prominently displayed alongside the content section.

3. Footnote Section:

  • Footnote: This optional section can provide additional information about the product, such as disclaimers, legal notices, or copyright details.

Example Usage

Imagine you want to promote a new line of sustainable packaging. You could use this block to:

  1. Add the block: Insert the Cards and Image Block into your page or post.
  2. Set the content:
  • Title: "30% recycled content"
  • Image Gallery: Upload 3 images showing the details of the packaging
  • Excerpt: "Part of our commitment to continuous development, sustainability and the circular economy, our packs can include up to 30% recycled plastics."
  • CTA:
    • Link text: "Enquire Now"
    • Anchor ID/ Landing page: "/talk-to-us"
  • Primary Image: Upload a high-quality image
  1. Save the Block: Your Product Highlight block is now ready for display!


Preview with image:

Product Highlight with image

Editor preview:

Product Highlight acf