Intro Block

This block presents an introductory section with a heading, description, and an optional call-to-action button.

Content Editor Fields

  1. Title: The main heading of the intro section.
  2. Description: A detailed paragraph or information to be displayed below the heading.
  3. Brand Colour: Choose a brand color to style the intro section's background and matching strip's color.
  4. Link: Add a call-to-action button with a customizable link and text.

Example Usage:

  1. Add the block: Insert the Intro Block into your page or post.
  2. Set the content:
  • Title: "Our packaging range"

  • Description: "From FFS films to flat bottom pouches, stand up pouches to SQ4 sacks, our packaging solutions meet the demands of your business, whether it's driving packaging sustainability or prompt delivery to your factory. "

  • Brand Colour: "Navy"

  • Link:

    • Text:: "Fill in the form"
    • Anchor ID/Landing page::"#contact"
  1. Save the Block: Your Intro block is now ready for display!


Preview with image:

Intro with image

Editor preview:

Intro acf


This block is ideal for introducing sections or pages on a website.