Two Text Column Block

This block allows content editors to present content in a two-column layout with a flexible design. It offers two distinct styles: a list style and a grid style.

Content Editor Fields

1. General Settings:

  • List Style: Choose between "List" for a vertical list layout or "Grid" for a more compact grid layout.

2. Content Fields:

  • Heading: The main heading for the entire block.

  • Column One

    • Description: A general description or introduction for the content.
    • Call to Action One: A button that appears below the description.
  • Column Two

    • List: A repeater field to add multiple list items, each with:

      • Sub Heading (Grid Style Only): A subheading for each list item in grid style.
      • Excerpt: The content for each list item.

Example Usage:


  1. Add the block: Insert the Two Text Column Block into your page or post.

  2. 1. General Settings:

    • List Style: "Grid".
  3. Set the content:

  • Heading: "Our compliance"

  • Column One

    • Description: "Our customers are just as much a part of the team as our colleagues. Because of that, honesty in every aspect of what we do is hugely important to us.In our efforts to be as transparent and responsible as possible, here you'll find records of our compliance and ISOs which every single one of our products are made in accordance with. Through this, we ensure that every customer working with us can do so with confidence and peace of mind, whatever they need from us.Explore our compliance and ISOs in full here."
    • Call to Action::
      • Link text: ""
      • Anchor ID / Landing page: ""
  • Column Two

    • 1st List (Add Row):

      • Sub Heading (Grid Style Only): "BRC Global Accreditation"
      • Excerpt: "We're fully accredited in accordance with storage and distribution guidelines for food and non-food applications. Find a copy of our certificate here."
    • 2nd List (Add Row):

      • Sub Heading (Grid Style Only): "BPF Membership"
      • Excerpt: "We're up to date on any product, material, and legislative developments in our industry so you’ll know of any news as it happens."
    • 3rd List (Add Row):

      • Sub Heading (Grid Style Only): "ISO 9001 Accreditation"
      • Excerpt: "ISO 9001 accreditation means we can offer a quality level of service through clear, repeatable processes every time we work with our clients. You can find a copy of this certificate here."
    • 4th List (Add Row):

      • Sub Heading (Grid Style Only): "ISO 14001 Accreditation"
      • Excerpt: "Tyler is managed in compliance with relevant environmental legislation and other requirements that avoid adverse environmental impacts. You can find a copy of this certificate here."
  1. Save the Block: Your Two Text Column block is now ready for display!


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