Promo Cards Block
This block displays a series of visually appealing promo cards, each with a title, description, image, and optional link. It's designed to showcase promotions, services, or key information in an engaging and interactive way.
Content Editor Fields
1. Promo Cards (Repeater Field):
- Title: Each promo card has a title. Use concise and attention-grabbing titles to pique interest.
- Description: Provide a brief description or summary of the promotion or service.
- Image: Choose a visually appealing image that represents the promotion or service.
- Brand Colour: Select a brand color to apply to the promo card, ensuring brand consistency.
- Link: You can optionally link each promo card to a specific page or URL.
2. Mobile Promo Card:
This is for the last card with CTA. It is withdrawed from the slider on mobile and is showed seperatly on mobile.
- Title: The mobile promo card has its own title.
- Description: Provide a brief description for the mobile promo card.
- Image: Choose an image for the mobile promo card.
- Link: You can optionally link the mobile promo card to a specific page or URL.
Example Usage
- Add the block: Insert the Promo Cards Block into your page or post.
- Set the content:
1. Promo Cards (Repeater Field):
- Title: "Pet Food"
- Description: "Working with some of the biggest names in the industry, our always-evolving line of pet food packaging makes it one of our biggest markets."
- Image: Upload an image
- Brand Colour: "Navy"
- Link:
- Link text: "Pet food"
- Anchor ID / Landing page: "/pet-food"
2. Add more rows as request
3. Mobile Promo Card:
- Title: "Reduce your impact"
- Description: "PIt’s our ultimate goal to achieve net-zero contamination. It’s ambitious, but we’re driving the way - and we want you to help us get there."
- Image: Choose an image for the mobile promo card.
- Link:
- Link text: ""
- Anchor ID / Landing page: "/talk-to-us"
- Save the Block: Your Promo Cards block is now ready for display!
Preview with image:

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