Product Percentage Block

This block highlights key product statistics using percentages, descriptive text, and an optional image. It's designed to communicate key product information quickly and effectively.

Content Editor Fields

1. Content Section:

  • Title: This serves as the main heading for the block. Use a concise and descriptive title that sets the context for the percentage statistics.
  • Percentage Statistics (Repeater Field):
    • Percentage: Enter a numerical percentage value for each statistic. This value will be prominently displayed.
    • Info: Provide a brief explanation or description of what each percentage represents.
  • Call to Action (CTA): This optional element encourages users to take the next step. Use a clear and actionable CTA, such as "Learn More" or "Enquire Today." The CTA button's color will match the brand's theme color.

2. Image Section:

  • Image: Choose an optional image that visually complements the product statistics. This could be a product image, a graphic, or any other relevant visual.

3. Footnote Section:

  • Footnote: Use this optional section to provide additional information, disclaimers, or legal notices related to the product or statistics.

Example Usage

Imagine you want to showcase the environmental benefits of your sustainable packaging. You could use this block to highlight statistics like:

  1. Add the block: Insert the Product Percentage Block into your page or post.
  2. Set the content:
  • Title: "How bio-based and recycled materials help"

  • Percentage Percentage Info:

    • percentage: "50.12%"

    • Info: "Bio-based materials contribute to a reduction in greenhouse gas emissions by 50.12%."

    • percentage: "43.87%"

    • Info: "Recycled content could create an 43.87% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions."

    • percentage: "95%"

    • Info:"Up to 95% reduction in packaging compared to rigid containers."

  • CTA:

    • Link Text:: "Enquire Today"
    • Anchor ID/ Landing page:: "/talk-to-us"
  • Image: Upload an image showcasing your eco-friendly packaging in use.

  1. Save the Block: Your Product Percentage block is now ready for display!


Preview with image:

Product Percentage with image

Editor preview:

Product Percentage acf


By combining impactful percentages with clear explanations, you can effectively communicate the value of your product to potential customers.