Featured Tradeshow Block
This block displays a single featured tradeshow with its title, dates, image, information, and a list of attendees.
Content Editor Fields
Featured Tradeshow: This field allows you to select a single tradeshow post to feature.
Data Displayed:
- Title: The title of the selected tradeshow post.
- Dates: The start and end dates of the tradeshow, pulled from the "Tradeshow Dates" field of the selected post.
- Image: The featured image of the selected tradeshow post.
- Tradeshow Info: Content from the "Tradeshow Info" field of the selected post. This could include a description of the tradeshow, booth location, or other relevant details.
- Attendees: A list of attendees associated with the tradeshow. This is pulled from the "Attendees" field of the selected post, which likely allows you to select multiple team member posts. For each attendee, the following information is displayed:
- Image: The attendee's thumbnail image.
- Name: The attendee's name.
- Job Title: The attendee's job title.
Example Usage:
Create a tradeshow post: Go to admin and choose Trade shows menu, set up a page for tradeshow.
Add the block: Insert the Featured Tradeshow Block into your page or post.
Set the content:
- Select a post: Select a post you want to show as the featured tradeshow.
Save the Block: Your Featured Tradeshow block is now ready for display!
Preview with image:

Editor preview:

This block can be used on the homepage or a dedicated tradeshows page to highlight an upcoming or current tradeshow.