Accreditations block

This template part is used to display logos of accreditations received by a company.


The Accreditations block showcases a company's certifications and accreditations in two distinct visual sections: a highlighted section and a general section.

Accreditations Block Example

Highlight Section:

Displays a row of prominent accreditation logos. Ideal for showcasing key certifications. Each logo links to the respective accreditation body's website (not implemented in the current code, but can be added).

General Section:

Presents a larger set of accreditation logos in a horizontally scrolling container. Allows for displaying a more comprehensive list of certifications. The scrolling container ensures all logos are visible, even on smaller screens.

Data Source:

The template part retrieves accreditation data from two custom fields:

accreditations_highlights: An array of image objects representing highlighted accreditations. accreditations_general: An array of image objects representing general accreditations.


This template part can be included in any page or template using the get_template_part() function in WordPress.